Present:          Vicki Matsumori, Ali Lyddall, Sage Fitch, Brent Gardner, Dustin Lewis, Jessica Miller, Kirsten Woodbury

Excused:          Kim Fong, Murray Library Director

Others:            Julia Pehrson, Murray Library Assistant Director; Brittney Casad, Murray Library Staff

1.         Call to Order:

            Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.

2.         Approval of Minutes:   

            The minutes for the November 2021 meeting were approved, as written, on a motion made by Vice Chairman Fitch. This was seconded by Ali Lyddall and voting was unanimous in favor.

3.         Public Comment: 


4.         Financial Reports:

50% of the year has lapsed and everything is looking okay. Assistant Director Pehrson stated that an entire HVAC unit was replaced, which just came out of the budget. She also stated that the Adult Books budget line is a little over budget because vendors reported long shipping times and suggested ordering books six months out. Vice Chairman Fitch asked what kind of supply issues there have been. Assistant Director Pehrson answered that there have been some books and DVDs that are not received until after their street dates. Also, there are some publishing dates that keep getting pushed back. A motion to receive and file the financial report was made by Brent Gardner and seconded by Vicki Matsumori. Voting was unanimous in favor.

5.         Board Reports:

            Vicki Matsumori said that she will not be able to make the next board meeting in-person, but would like to attend virtually.

6.         Director’s Report:

            Assistant Director Pehrson shared a handout that showed what Director Fong reported to the Murray City Council about the past year at the library. Chairman Lewis asked if the council had any follow-up questions to her presentation. Assistant Director Pehrson responded that she does not believe they had any questions, but she would have to clarify with Director Fong. Jessica Miller asked if a discussion about the City Council’s questions could be added to the agenda for the next meeting and the answer was yes.

            Vice Chairman Fitch asked what the response to the extended hours of the library has been. Assistant Director Pehrson answered that use of it has increased drastically now that people know and patrons have been quite happy about it.

7.         Old Business:

7.1 Code of Conduct Review: Assistant Director Pehrson commented that there have been a few more incidents of patrons spending a lengthy amount of time in the rest room. After discussion, Chairman Lewis inquired if the changes made to the Code of Conduct Policy will provide the library staff with the tools they need to negotiate these situations and the answer was yes. Brent Gardner made a motion to adopt these changes with the addition of the words “illegal drugs” to the document. This was seconded by Kirsten Woodbury and voting was unanimous in favor.

8.         New Business:

8.1 Inventory Closure: Assistant Director Pehrson proposed closing the library on February 10, 2022 in order to do a full inventory of the library. Brent Gardner asked why the library needs to be closed to accomplish this. Assistant Director Pehrson stated that it will overall be less of a disruption to patrons and will free up more staff to work more efficiently on it. Chairman Lewis asked what the plan is to notify patrons. Assistant Director Pehrson replied that an email will be sent out, social media notifications will be sent and signs will be placed in the building. Ali Lyddall made a motion to approve closing the library on February 10. This was seconded by Jessica Miller and voting was unanimous in favor.

9.         Adjournment:

A motion to adjourn was made by Brent Gardner and seconded by Vice Chairman Fitch. Voting was unanimous in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.