Board of Trustees Regular Session Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Present:          Dustin Lewis, Vicki Matsumori, Ali Lyddall, Sage Fitch, Brent Gardner, Kirsten Woodbury, Nick Skene


Others:            Kim Fong, Murray Library Director; Julia Pehrson, Murray Library Assistant Director; Brittney Casad, Murray Library Staff

1.         Call to Order:

            Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

2.         Approval of Minutes:   

The minutes for the February 2021 meeting were approved, as written, on a motion made by Brent Gardner and seconded by Vicki Matsumori. Voting was unanimous in favor.

3.         Public Comment: 

            Vice Chairman Fitch stated that Janice Strobell, who is part of the group Preserve Murray, thinks that the community should have more of a say in what goes into the Murray City Center District (MCCD) and feels that the library would be a really good addition. Director Fong stated that interest has been expressed to be there and there have been feasibility studies, but there really is not a spot of land for the library right now.

            Ali Lyddall commented that her parents, who are Murray residents, are on the “It’s Time to Open” front and wondered when the library will be open again. Director Fong replied that since Salt Lake County has just moved to moderate transmission levels, people can walk into the library now. An appointment will still be made so that the number of people in the building at one time can be recorded, but an on-the-spot reservation can be made at this time. Ali Lyddall asked if the people counter device had been installed yet. Director Fong responded that some of the work has been done for it, but there are still a few steps before it will be installed. Ali Lyddall also inquired as to how many people can come inside now. The answer was 20 people and that is based on the square footage of the areas available for patrons to access. Assistant Director Pehrson added that all services are being offered everyday now, Monday through Friday.  

4.         Financial Reports:

            66% of the year has lapsed and everything is pretty well on budget. A motion to receive and file the financial report was made by Ali Lyddall. This was seconded by Vice Chairman Fitch and voting was unanimous in favor.

5.         Board Reports:


6.         Director’s Report:

            Director Fong shared a handout that outlines new branding for the library. She stated that she would like to transition from Murray Library to Murray City Library. This is in part so that the library will be easier to find along with other Murray City services on social media, but it is also in the hope that patrons will understand that the Murray Library is separate from the Salt Lake County Library System. She stated that this change in branding will be adding a purpose statement, changing the mission statement, and expanding the vision statement and values. Vice Chairman Fitch asked if the dragon logo will go away as part of these changes. Director Fong answered that the marketing person is working on a new logo, but it will still be a dragon. Ali Lyddall asked if the website URL will change since it is currently Assistant Director Pehrson answered that the plan is to purchase and transition to it. Director Fong commented that all of this will be a slow transition.

7.         Old Business:


8.         New Business:

            8.1 Murray City Library Branding Document:

The Library Board discussed changes that need to be made to the branding document in terms of word usage, consistency and fixing typos. Director Fong stated that she would edit the document and present it at next month’s meeting.

            8.2 Resuming In-Person Meetings:

Vice Chairman Fitch asked if meetings were to be held in-person, would they still be held in the small conference room or out in the library. She also inquired if masks would still be required. Director Fong answered that masks would still be required and that everyone would probably be spaced out in the open areas of the library. Assistant Director Pehrson stated that library hours are being extended to 7 pm, so meeting in-person will probably not be an option until the auditorium is available for use. Kirsten Woodbury asked if board members will still have the ability to attend virtually if needed once the switch to in-person meetings is made. Chairman Lewis stated that he believed hybrid opportunities will be available, but suggested talking to G.L. Critchfield, the Murray City Attorney, to make sure. He also recommended checking with G.L. Critchfield to see when the emergency order for meeting electronically will end as that might force the decision. Director Fong commented that she would like everyone to have the opportunity to be vaccinated before in-person meetings are held.

Vice Chairman Fitch commented that she would like to see discussions about the new library building on the agenda in the future. Director Fong stated that she is having her talk about the budget with the Mayor in a few days and she will discuss that with him then.

9.         Adjournment:

A motion to adjourn was made by Vicki Matsumori and seconded by Nick Skene. Voting was unanimous in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 p.m.